Source code for kabaret.flow.relations



    Defines the relations classes used to bind objects together:
        Parent:     Returns the parent of the object.
                    If the nb_levels argument is more than 1, a grand parent
                    is returned: 
                        1 -> parent
                        2 -> parent's parent
                        3 -> parent's parent's parent

        Child:      Declares a Child in the Object. The Object will be the parent
                    of the created child.

        Param:      Declares a Child Value in the Object.
                    The default_value and value_type arguments control the initial data
                    returned by the child Value and the type of the child Value.
                    (a subclass of kabaret.flow.values.Value())
        SessionParam: Declare a Child SessionValue in the Object.
                    This value will be reset to its default at each session and
                    is not shared with other sessions.

        HashParam:  Declares as Child the corresponding Value subclass.

                    A pre-configured Param acting as a separator in GUI

        Computed:   Declares a Child ComputedValue in the Object. 
                    See kabaret.flow.values.ComputedValue().

        Connection: Declares a Child Ref in the Object.
                    The ref being a Value returning another Object, this relations
                    is used to define dependencies between Objects.
                    See kabaret.flow.values.Ref()

import logging
from .exceptions import WIPException

from .object import _Relation
from .values import (
    Value, SessionValue,
    IntValue, BoolValue, FloatValue, StringValue, DictValue,
    OrderedStringSetValue, HashValue,
    ComputedValue, Ref

[docs]class Parent(_Relation): ''' The Parent relation give access to the related object's parent or grand-parents. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Parent' def __init__(self, nb_levels=1): super(Parent, self).__init__(None) self.nb_levels = nb_levels
[docs] def get_ui(self, of=None): ''' Overridden to return the ui of the parented Object. See the `_Relation.get_ui()` class in `flow.object`. ''' ui = super(Parent, self).get_ui(None) if of is not None: related = self.__get__(of) related._fill_ui(ui) return ui
def __get__(self, o, t=None): if o is None: return self parent = o for i in range(self.nb_levels): if parent is None: raise Exception( 'Could not find a parent at level %d for %r' % (i, o._mng.oid())) parent = parent._mng.parent return parent
[docs]class Child(_Relation): ''' The Child relation sets an Object as the Child of the owner of the relation (wich in turn becomes the parent) ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Child' def _create_object(self, parent): try: related = self.related_type(parent, except: logging.getLogger('kabaret.flow').error( 'Creating related object: %s(%r, %r)' % ( self.related_type.__name__, parent.oid(), ) ) raise return related
[docs]class Param(Child): ''' A Child relating to a :any:`Value` or one of its subclasses. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Param' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = Value def __init__(self, default_value=None, value_type=None): ''' Beware of the default_value: if it is passed by reference, all instance of the class owning the created value will share the value! For example: class MyObject(Object): my_dict = Param({}) -> all instances of MyObject will have their my_dict Value sharing the same dict (initialized when python executed the class definition) The workaround is to use a callable that creates a new instance of the value: class MyObject(Object): my_dict = Param(dict) ''' if value_type is None: value_type = self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE elif not issubclass(value_type, self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE): raise TypeError( '%r is not a subclass or %r, needed for relation %r' % ( value_type, self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE, self ) ) super(Param, self).__init__(value_type) if callable(default_value): self.get_default_value = default_value else: self.get_default_value = lambda: default_value # default for Param is editable: self._ui['editable'] = True try: default_editor = value_type.DEFAULT_EDITOR except Exception: pass else: self._ui['editor_type'] = default_editor self._watched = False
[docs] def watched(self, b=True): ''' Configures the related value to be watched or not (default is False). Watched value call their parent's child_value_changed() when changed. ''' self._watched = b return self
def _create_object(self, parent): value = self.related_type(parent, value.set_default_value(self.get_default_value()) value.set_watched(self._watched) return value #---OLD def __set__(self, o, v): raise WIPException('Never used this, it is confusing.') # we must use get() on related values so not using set() feels strange # (you may end up thinking it's an attribute and not a related value...) value = self.get_related(o) value.set(v)
[docs]class SessionParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`SessionValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = SessionValue
[docs]class IntParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to an :any:`IntValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = IntValue
[docs]class BoolParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`BoolValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = BoolValue
[docs]class FloatParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`FloatValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = FloatValue
[docs]class StringParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`StringValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = StringValue
[docs]class DictParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`DictValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = DictValue
[docs]class OrderedStringSetParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to an :any:`OrderedStringSetValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = OrderedStringSetValue def __init__(self, value_type=None): super(OrderedStringSetParam, self).__init__(None, value_type)
[docs]class HashParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`HashValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = HashValue def __init__(self, value_type=None): super(HashParam, self).__init__({}, value_type)
[docs]def Separator(): ''' Returns a Param relation showing an horizontal line in GUI. ''' return Param(None).ui(editor='label', text='<hr>').ui(label='')
[docs]def Label(text, label=''): ''' Returns a Param relation showing a (potentially html) text in GUI. ''' return Param(None).ui(editor='label', text=text).ui(label=label)
[docs]class Computed(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`ComputedValue` The value computation is delegated to the parent's compute_child_value() method. The 'cached' and 'store_value' constuctor arguments will configure the ComputedValue. (See kabaret.flow.values.ComputedValue) You can use a subclass of ComputedValue by specifying computed_value_type in the constructor ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Computed' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = ComputedValue def __init__(self, cached=False, store_value=False, computed_value_type=None): super(Computed, self).__init__(None, value_type=computed_value_type) self._cached = cached self._store_value = store_value self.ui(editable=False) def _create_object(self, parent): value = self.related_type(parent, value.set_watched(self._watched) value.set_cached(self._cached) value.set_store_value(self._store_value) return value
[docs]class Connection(Child): ''' A Child relating to a :any:`Ref` subclass. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Connection' def __init__(self, related_type=None, ref_type=None): ''' One of related_type and ref_type must be given: - if ref_type is not None, it will be used to reference the connected object - if ref_type is None, related_type.ref_type() will be used Specifying the ref_type instead of the related_type can be usefull in obscur situation but should be avoided unless you have a good reason. (I would explain but I cant remind why I used this in the past :p) ''' if ref_type is None: if related_type is not None: ref_type = related_type.ref_type() # else: # This mean the type will be configured later (I hope!) # It it used for example to have a ref to the same class. super(Connection, self).__init__(ref_type) # default for Connection is editable: self._ui['editable'] = True self._watched = False def _create_object(self, parent): value = self.related_type(parent, value.set_watched(self._watched) return value
[docs] def watched(self, b=True): ''' Configures the related value to be watched or not (default is False). Watched value call their parent's child_value_changed() when changed. ''' self._watched = b return self
#---OLD def __set__(self, o, v): raise WIPException('Never used this, it is confusing.') # we must use get() on related values so not using set() feels strange # (you may end up thinking it's an attribute and not a related value...) value = self.get_related(o) value.set(v)
#---OLD class PipelineConnection(Connection): ''' A Connection with ui(editable=False). ''' def __init__(self, related_type=None, ref_type=None): raise WIPException('THIS IS OBSOLETE') super(PipelineConnection, self).__init__(related_type, ref_type) # a PipelineConnection is just a not GUI editable connection self._ui['editable'] = False