Source code for kabaret.flow.relations



    Defines the relations classes used to bind objects together:
        Parent:     Returns the parent of the object.
                    If the nb_levels argument is more than 1, a grand parent
                    is returned: 
                        1 -> parent
                        2 -> parent's parent
                        3 -> parent's parent's parent

        Relative:   Returns another Object in the flow.
                    The related Object is NOT a child of this Object, it must 
                    exist as a Child of another Object.

        Child:      Declares a Child in the Object. The Object will be the parent
                    of the created child.

        Param:      Declares a Child Value in the Object.
                    The default_value and value_type arguments control the initial data
                    returned by the child Value and the type of the child Value.
                    (a subclass of kabaret.flow.values.Value())
        SessionParam: Declare a Child SessionValue in the Object.
                    This value will be reset to its default at each session and
                    is not shared with other sessions.

        HashParam:  Declares as Child the corresponding Value subclass.

                    A pre-configured Param acting as a separator in GUI

        Computed:   Declares a Child ComputedValue in the Object. 
                    See kabaret.flow.values.ComputedValue().

        Connection: Declares a Child Ref in the Object.
                    The ref being a Value returning another Object, this relations
                    is used to define dependencies between Objects.
                    See kabaret.flow.values.Ref()

import logging
from .exceptions import (
    MissingChildError, MissingRelationError, 

from .object import _Relation
from .injection import injection

from .values import (
    Value, SessionValue,
    IntValue, BoolValue, FloatValue, StringValue, DictValue,
    OrderedStringSetValue, HashValue,
    ComputedValue, Ref

[docs]class Parent(_Relation): ''' The Parent relation give access to the related object's parent or grand-parents. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Parent' def __init__(self, nb_levels=1): super(Parent, self).__init__(None) self.nb_levels = nb_levels
[docs] def get_ui(self, of=None): ''' Overridden to return the ui of the parented Object. See the `_Relation.get_ui()` class in `flow.object`. ''' ui = super(Parent, self).get_ui(None) if of is not None: related = self.__get__(of) related._fill_ui(ui) return ui
def __get__(self, o, t=None): if o is None: return self parent = o for i in range(self.nb_levels): if parent is None: raise Exception( 'Could not find a parent at level %d for %r' % (i, o._mng.oid())) parent = parent._mng.parent return parent
class Relative(_Relation): ''' The Relative relation gives access to an Object which is not a child of the owner of the relation. GUI will display the Related object as a child though. The related object is selected by giving an oid relative to the relation owner. (an absolute oid can also be used, but pointing to the project iteself will fail) You can also subclass `Relative.get_relative_oid()` to programatically select the related Object, but beware: GUI wont update when the related oid changes unless the user refresh the page(s) displaying the Relative relation. You can use `Relative(...).ui(...)` to change the icon, editor, group, tooltip etc... of the related Object, but hidden=True will not work. You must use None as relative_oid to hide the relation in the GUI. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Relative' def __init__(self, relative_oid): ''' The `relative_oid` is an oid relative to the relation owner. (An absolute oid is valide too) If None is used, the relation will be hidden. ''' super(Relative, self).__init__(None) self._relative_oid = relative_oid def get_relative_oid(self, owner): ''' Returns the relative oid given in the constructor. Subclasses can override this to programaticaly set the related Object (beware that GUI will not update when the return value changes though) If the return value is None, the relation will be hidden. The owner parameter is the Object owning this relation. You may use it to access other Objects in the flow when building the return value. ''' return self._relative_oid def get_related(self, of): relative_oid = self.get_relative_oid(of) if relative_oid is None: return None try: related = of._mng.get_object(relative_oid) except (MissingChildError, MissingRelationError) as err: return None return related
[docs]class Child(_Relation): ''' The Child relation sets an Object as the Child of the owner of the relation (wich in turn becomes the parent) ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Child'
[docs] def injectable(self, inherit_default=True): ''' Declares an injection slot for this relation's related type. `inherit_default` defaults to True which will assert the injected type inherits the relation's related type. Injection resolution is done only once per type per project, so you must use a different type (a simple subclass is enough) if you want the providers to be able to inject different types on different relations relating to the same type. ''' injection.injectable(self.related_type, inherit_default) return self
def _create_object(self, parent): related_type = injection.resolve( self.related_type, parent ) try: related = related_type(parent, except: logging.getLogger('kabaret.flow').error( 'Creating related object: %s(%r, %r)' % ( self.related_type.__name__, parent.oid(), ) ) raise return related
[docs]class Param(Child): ''' A Child relating to a :any:`Value` or one of its subclasses. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Param' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = Value def __init__(self, default_value=None, value_type=None): ''' Beware of the default_value: if it is passed by reference, all instance of the class owning the created value will share the value! For example: class MyObject(Object): my_dict = Param({}) -> all instances of MyObject will have their my_dict Value sharing the same dict (initialized when python executed the class definition) The workaround is to use a callable that creates a new instance of the value: class MyObject(Object): my_dict = Param(dict) ''' if value_type is None: value_type = self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE elif not issubclass(value_type, self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE): raise TypeError( '%r is not a subclass or %r, needed for relation %r' % ( value_type, self.__class__._DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE, self ) ) super(Param, self).__init__(value_type) if callable(default_value): self.get_default_value = default_value else: self.get_default_value = lambda: default_value # default for Param is editable: self._ui['editable'] = True try: default_editor = value_type.DEFAULT_EDITOR except Exception: pass else: self._ui['editor_type'] = default_editor self._watched = False
[docs] def watched(self, b=True): ''' Configures the related value to be watched or not (default is False). Watched value call their parent's child_value_changed() when changed. ''' self._watched = b return self
def _create_object(self, parent): value = super(Param, self)._create_object(parent) value.set_default_value(self.get_default_value()) value.set_watched(self._watched) return value #---OLD def __set__(self, o, v): raise WIPException('Never used this, it is confusing.') # we must use get() on related values so not using set() feels strange # (you may end up thinking it's an attribute and not a related value...) value = self.get_related(o) value.set(v)
[docs]class SessionParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`SessionValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = SessionValue
[docs]class IntParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to an :any:`IntValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = IntValue
[docs]class BoolParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`BoolValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = BoolValue
[docs]class FloatParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`FloatValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = FloatValue
[docs]class StringParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`StringValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = StringValue
[docs]class DictParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`DictValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = DictValue
[docs]class OrderedStringSetParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to an :any:`OrderedStringSetValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = OrderedStringSetValue def __init__(self, value_type=None): super(OrderedStringSetParam, self).__init__(None, value_type)
[docs]class HashParam(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`HashValue`. ''' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = HashValue def __init__(self, value_type=None): super(HashParam, self).__init__({}, value_type)
[docs]def Separator(): ''' Returns a Param relation showing an horizontal line in GUI. ''' return Param(None).ui(editor='label', text='<hr>').ui(label='')
[docs]def Label(text, label=''): ''' Returns a Param relation showing a (potentially html) text in GUI. ''' return Param(None).ui(editor='label', text=text).ui(label=label)
[docs]class Computed(Param): ''' A Param relating to a :any:`ComputedValue` The value computation is delegated to the parent's compute_child_value() method. The 'cached' and 'store_value' constuctor arguments will configure the ComputedValue. (See kabaret.flow.values.ComputedValue) You can use a subclass of ComputedValue by specifying computed_value_type in the constructor ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Computed' _DEFAULT_VALUE_TYPE = ComputedValue def __init__(self, cached=False, store_value=False, computed_value_type=None): super(Computed, self).__init__(None, value_type=computed_value_type) self._cached = cached self._store_value = store_value self.ui(editable=False) def _create_object(self, parent): value = super(Computed, self)._create_object(parent) value.set_cached(self._cached) value.set_store_value(self._store_value) return value
[docs]class Connection(Child): ''' A Child relating to a :any:`Ref` subclass. ''' _RELATION_TYPE_NAME = 'Connection' def __init__(self, related_type=None, ref_type=None): ''' One of related_type and ref_type must be given: - if ref_type is not None, it will be used to reference the connected object - if ref_type is None, related_type.ref_type() will be used Specifying the ref_type instead of the related_type can be usefull in obscur situation but should be avoided unless you have a good reason. (I would explain but I cant remind why I used this in the past :p) ''' if ref_type is None: if related_type is not None: ref_type = related_type.ref_type() # else: # This mean the type will be configured later (I hope!) # It it used for example to have a ref to the same class. super(Connection, self).__init__(ref_type) # default for Connection is editable: self._ui['editable'] = True self._watched = False self._allow_cross_project = False def _create_object(self, parent): value = super(Connection, self)._create_object(parent) value.set_watched(self._watched) value.set_allow_cross_project(self._allow_cross_project) return value
[docs] def watched(self, b=True): ''' Configures the related value to be watched or not (default is False). Watched value call their parent's child_value_changed() when changed. ''' self._watched = b return self
[docs] def allow_cross_project(self, b=True): ''' Configures the related Ref to accept a source belonging to another project. This is forbidden by default and you should be aware of the consequences before usign this (Hint: it related to your ability to backup/archive projects separately) ''' self._allow_cross_project = b return self
#---OLD def __set__(self, o, v): raise WIPException('Never used this, it is confusing.') # we must use get() on related values so not using set() feels strange # (you may end up thinking it's an attribute and not a related value...) value = self.get_related(o) value.set(v)
#---OLD class PipelineConnection(Connection): ''' A Connection with ui(editable=False). ''' def __init__(self, related_type=None, ref_type=None): raise WIPException('THIS IS OBSOLETE') super(PipelineConnection, self).__init__(related_type, ref_type) # a PipelineConnection is just a not GUI editable connection self._ui['editable'] = False